Thrive Architect version 2.6.3 released
New Features
- Added Thrive Architect Gutenberg Blocks
- Improved the “Social Share” element
- Added “Featured image title” option for post list
- Made google map element more flexible
- Improvement: migration of internal icomoon icons to svg
- Fixed Lead Generation – Email sent does not include blank lines
- Fixed bullets alignment not working
- Fix: Auto play of video element are not working on Thrive Lightboxes
- Yoast Compatibility – Do not index symbols and symbols taxonomy
- Fix: Google Fonts Warning false pozitive
- Fixed an issue causing the browser to auto-scroll to the first login form on a page
- Fixed an issue where columns cant be resized while editing a global element
- Fixed an issue where email connection data is not saved properly
- Fix: LG Duplicate Form issue while customize fields
- Fixed an issue where in some instances lightbox do not opened on scroll state
- Fixed an issue causing registration form inputs to be added after the submit button for some templates
- Fixed: Smart color slightly changing in central style panel
- Allow typing an icon size smaller than slider’s minimum value
- Prevent loading video if the element is not visible on that devic