Thrive Quiz Builder version 2.2.5 released

New Features

  • Video Question: users now have the possibility to add video questions as well, to the quizzes they build
  • Redirect Results: with the help of this new feature, users can redirect the people who take their quiz to one of their pages/posts, or to an external URL, depending on the result they obtain in the quiz.
  • Progress Bar: users can now choose to add a progress bar to their quizzes. This would help the quiz takers to see their progress, while taking the quiz.
  • Quiz Details in Notification Manager: users can now set up email notifications in the Notification Manager, to be announced when someone completes their quiz.


  • A fix has been applied for a backwards compatibility issue, that appeared when someone was trying to save questions
  • Fixed an issue where the quiz result was not being displayed on Social Share Badges
  • Fixed an issue where the quiz was not scrolling to the question’s title