Thrive Ultimatum version released

Compatibility with changes in Thrive Architect:

  • UI Update for Global Colors
  • Fixed pointer decoration inverted issue
  • Fixed an issue with text highlighting: Applying a text style will remove the text highlight from sidebar
  • Fix: Custom Menu templates loaded from cloud in TAR header loose their styling on frontend
  • Fixed an issue where blockquote will lose its style when style of another text is changed
  • Fixed an issue causing absolute-positioned sticky elements to incorrectly remember initial offset
  • Fixed an issue which prevented the selection from autocomplete on second search
  • Fixed an issue in Global Elements- the option to add a category for Content Templates only shows up after you delete a template
  • Fixed an issue causing the save icon to be hidden after hovering an element without save option
  • Fixed an issue which prevented elements to be dragged and dropped over video elements